Mid October saw Stage Queensland descend upon Canberra for a very productive couple of days of industry talks and  networking, and meetings with politicians.
On Monday 16th October, President Stephen Foster and Executive Officer Suzan Williams represented Stage Queensland at the Creative Regions National Summit at Parliament House, Canberra.
The inaugural Creative Regions National Summit was a series of presentations around creating liveable, sustainable and healthy regional communities and the vital role of arts and culture within this.
Stage Queensland Committee member Rod Ainsworth was also in attendance at the biannual event which was hosted by Regional Arts Australia and supported by the Regional Australia Institute.

Speakers included:

  • Jack Archer, CEO, Regional Australia Institute
  • Sheena Boughen, Strategist, Mentor and former Chairperson, Four Winds Bermagui
  • Vic McEwan, Artistic Director of The Cad Factory
  • Jessie Williams, Executive Director, the GroundSwell Project
  • Jenuarrie, President, Arts Nexus
  • Tony Grybowski, CEO, Australia Council for the Arts
The Summit concluded with a reception where attendees were joined by many MPs and Senators.

The following day, Stephen and Suzan attended meetings to advocate on behalf of Stage Queensland’s members for issues such as infrastructure funding, jobs and training pathways for artsworkers. Meetings were held with:

  • Denise Ryan, Advisor for Mitch Fifield (Federal Arts Minister)
  • Labor Senator for Queensland, Murray Watt
  • Advisor for Steven Jones (Shadow Minister for Regional Services, Territories and Local Government)
  • Tony Burke (Shadow Minister for the Arts)
Suzan Williams and Stephen Foster at Parliament House

Suzan Williams and Stephen Foster at Parliament House, Canberra