These resources have all been underpinned by vigorous research and represent best practice.

Theatre Green
Book UK
& Theatre
Green Book Australia
Guides, tools and resources grown
from a whole of industry approach to the climate crisis
“The Theatre Green Book began as a collective initiative by theatre-makers in the UK, but has grown to involve theatre-makers across the world. We believe theatre has an urgent role to play in our journey to living and working sustainably, and that theatre’s own transition is best achieved through a common language, actions and standards that allow us to share and learn together. The Theatre Green Book provides that shared language. Theatre communities work in different ways and face different challenges. The Theatre Green Book therefore operates as a loose ‘network of networks’ where each nation’s theatre community, under licence, translates and adapts the guidance to suit their way of working. But the basic approach and standards remain translatable. The Theatre Green Book is a free resource for all theatre-makers, working at all scales.”
Creative Climate
Carbon CalculatorDeveloped for theatre by Julies Bicycle – mainly for arts orgs. Great for comparing productions.
Arts on Tour Green
touring toolkit
ToolkitAustralia’s own extensive guide to sustainable touring.
CirculateCarbon CalculatorThis tool is currently not available but watch this space for its return! It has been developed specifically for the Australian market by ARUP.
EPiC DatabaseMaterials DatabaseMaterials data including embodied carbon specific to Australian context.
Julie’s BicycleJulie’s BicycleJulie’s Bicycle is a global leading not-for-profit, mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate, nature and justice crisis. UK based.

With thanks to Griffith University – Queensland College of Art and Design.