Rainbow Vomit is an immersive contemporary dance show created for young audiences by Dancenorth. This incredible show is currently touring Queensland and will travel across 13 cities around Australia in 2018.

Rainbow Vomit invites you to enter a space of tangled imagination, where light and sound collide in a familiar yet distant world. Creatures from afar morph within the shadows to navigate an ever-changing landscape of bewilderment and wonder. Synaesthesia envelopes the mind as rhythm becomes vision, voice shapes movement and light warps sound. Welcome to the world of Rainbow Vomit, a place where anything is possible, everything can happen, and much more than colour erupts from the darkness…

Rainbow Vomit is the first time in 11 years that Dancenorth have created a work targeting young people, although the work is designed to appeal to all ages.

Audience members are invited to watch the performance through their own pair of ‘fireworks glasses’. These magical glasses are made using holographic diffraction film, which refracts light into all colours of the spectrum, generating a myriad of rainbows.

“The work achieved so much in only 40 minutes and the “woah’s”, “ooh’s” and “ash’s” from the audience are testament to this… an experience not to be missed.” DANCETRAIN

Upcoming tour dates:

MOUNT ISA 13-14 June – Book here


For more information: Dancenorth.com.au